


Skye Loto is passionate about businesses that focus on environmental and social good. When she was looking for an internship to help her grow her hands-on experience in this area, 她发现了“影响学期”项目.   Semester for Impact is offered by the College for Social Innovation... 阅读更多


  • 学生们在实地参观沃尔夫颈部中心
    - 主要研究 Sustainability Tool SIMAP Upgraded to Calculate Scope 3 Emissions
    主要研究's SIMAP nitrogen and carbon accounting platform recently underwent a significant functionality update that now allows it to calculate Scope 3 emissions. 阅读更多
  • 可持续发展研究所庆祝成立25周年
    - 可持续发展研究所庆祝成立25周年
    The University of New Hampshire is proud to be a national leader in sustainability and celebrates 25 years of infusing sustainability across campus and beyond. 阅读更多
  • 学生上台表演
    - 应对挑战
    A smart ring that can detect the presence of date rape drugs in drinks, an edible supplement made from seaweed to reduce methane production in cows and a process to produce... 阅读更多
  • 汤普森大厅
    - 执行任务
    亚历克斯·弗雷德,13岁, 政治学和哲学双学位, has been named the 2022 Social Innovator of the Year by the University of New Hampshire. 阅读更多
  • 自行车排成一排
    - 准备好骑马
    “叮! 丁!” The bright chiming of a bicycle bell never sounded so cheerful to Steve Pesci, 联合国卫生组织设施特别项目主任. 20多年来,佩西一直与... 阅读更多
  • 走出他的舒适区
    - 走出他的舒适区
    Mel Nagashima ’22 worked with immigrant families through the Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center during his time in the Semester-in-the-City program, 这最终推动了... 阅读更多
  • 汽车驶过被水淹没的街道
    - 花岗岩州变暖
    主要研究 researchers have released the 2021 New Hampshire Climate Assessment. 阅读更多
  • 年轻的变革者占据中心舞台
    - 年轻的变革者占据中心舞台
    主要研究 held its 社区 Changemaker Challenge on May 13 for New England high schools, hosting teams from five schools via Zoom in a showcase of creative ideas and solutions to a... 阅读更多
  • 第二届年度可持续发展奖的得奖学生
    - 庆祝的可持续性
    第二届联合国大学可持续发展奖于周二举行, 5月10日, with honorees including alumni for the first time in the ceremony’s brief history. 这些奖项是... 阅读更多
  • 麦克道尔获得霍林奖学金
    - 麦克道尔获得霍林奖学金
    劳伦·麦克道尔24岁被美国国家海洋和大气管理局任命为霍林斯澳门葡京网赌游戏, becoming the first 主要研究 student to receive the honor for sophomores since 2019. 麦克道尔将完成带薪实习... 阅读更多