
Updated: December 6, 2022

M痘 is a rare disease caused by infection with the m痘 virus. 最近一次麻疹疫情始于2022年5月,此后已在全球蔓延. The United States has the 最多 of infections, 和 cases have been reported in all 50 states 和 Puerto Rico

We will continue to update this page as we learn more. 

Note: As of November 28, 2022, 世卫组织开始使用 a new preferred term “m痘” as a synonym for monkey痘, 和 are phasing out the term “monkey痘” over the next year. 因此,本页已更新,以反映此更改和运行状况 & 健康 will no longer use the term “monkey痘”.


NH DPHS建议以下人员接种JYNNEOS™疫苗:

  • Persons who identify as gay, 双性恋, 酷儿, 或其他男男性行为者(MSM)并认为自己有感染m痘病毒的风险(包括一夫一妻制关系中的人,其性伴侣感染m痘的风险较高);
  • 任何性别或性取向的人,提供者认为其感染痘病毒的风险增加; 
  • 报告的人, 在过去的14天里, 已知与另一个感染痘病毒的人或受污染的物体接触.
    • 接触后接种疫苗最好在接触后4天内进行,以预防疾病, but vaccination should be offered up to 14 days after last exposure.

If you are a UNH student, 教师, 和/或员工, 符合上述标准, 和 would like to receive the vaccine, please fill out the form below 和 someone at 健康 & 健康 will reach out to you to set an appointment. 

Request a vaccination appointment



Frequently Asked Questions: M痘

What are the symptoms of m痘?

的人 m痘 通常会出现明显的皮疹,随着患者病情的发展,皮疹会随着时间的推移而变化,然后消失. Other symptoms can include fever, 发冷, 头疼, 疲惫, 肌肉酸痛, 喉咙痛, 或者淋巴结肿大. Sometimes people may only have the rash.

Is m痘 致命的?

类型 m痘 virus causing the current outbreak is 不 usually fatal, 大多数人在出现症状后几周内就会好转. 然而, people with a weakened immune system, children under 8 years old, people with a history of eczema, 孕妇或哺乳期妇女可能更容易患重病或死亡.


M痘 is considered a sexually transmitted infection, but it is often transmitted through close, sustained physical contact, which can include sexual contact. If you think you have symptoms:

  • 避免拥抱, 接吻, 拥抱, 或者和任何人发生性关系,或者和任何人发生亲密关系,直到你在医院做了检查&W or with a不her healthcare provider.
  • Avoid touching any rash. 不要共用毛巾、性玩具和牙刷等个人物品.
  • Talk with your partner(s) about your symptoms.

If you have symptoms of m痘, consider talking to your healthcare provider, even if you don’t think you had contact with someone who has m痘.

How is the campus responding?

澳门葡京网赌游戏正与新罕布什尔州卫生与公共服务部(DHHS)密切合作,以确保校园做好准备, 通知, 和健康. 健康 & 健康医疗服务提供者和工作人员已经接受了识别、检测和管理方面的培训 m痘, 和 will continue to receive ongoing trainings as necessary.

我们还提供 m痘 immunizations on-campus, at UNH 健康 & 健康. 有关资格和如何接种疫苗的信息,请参阅本页顶部.

我们理解,在过去几年的COVID-19大流行之外,澳门葡京网赌游戏一种新的传染病的消息可能令人担忧,并导致焦虑和不确定感. Campus mental health resources are available through Psychological 和 Counseling 服务 (PACS) 健康 & 健康(H&W).

如何 m痘 传播? 

M痘 通常通过与传染性皮疹的直接身体接触在人与人之间传播, 痂, or body fluids of a不her person who has m痘包括亲密的身体接触,如接吻、拥抱或性行为. The virus can survive on surfaces, 因此,传播可以通过接触被污染的物体发生,比如接触过另一个人的传染性体液或皮肤病变物质的床上用品和衣服. 在长时间的面对面密切接触中,它也可以从感染者的呼吸道传播.

什么时候某人 m痘 会传染的?

一个有 m痘 当他们第一次出现症状时,感染就会传播吗, 在皮疹完全愈合和新一层皮肤形成之前,它们一直具有传染性. 没有的人 m痘 symptoms are 不 considered 会传染的 or a risk to others.

我能得到 m痘 from talking with someone or being in a room with someone that has m痘?

M痘 主要通过与另一个患者的直接身体接触传播 m痘 or direct physical contact with their infectious body fluids. 而 m痘 can be 传播 through respiratory droplets, 这通常需要与有症状的人长时间站在一起. 与某人简短交谈或与某人在同一个房间 m痘 is unlikely to cause to infection.

How can I prevent 传播ing or getting m痘 在一般情况下?

  • 避免与长疹子的人近距离皮肤接触 m痘.
  • Avoid contact with objects 和 materials that a person with m痘 已经使用.
  • 经常用肥皂和水洗手,或者使用含酒精的洗手液, 尤其是在吃东西或摸脸之前和上完厕所之后.

How can a person lower their risk 在性生活中?

即使你感觉很好,这里有一些方法可以减少你接触到的机会 m痘 if you are sexually active:

  • 养成与任何新伴侣交换联系信息的习惯,以便进行性健康随访, 如果需要.
  • 如果你收到 m痘 接种疫苗,暂时停止增加接触的活动 m痘 until you are two weeks after your second dose. This will greatly reduce your risk.
  • 限制你性伴侣的数量,以减少你接触的可能性.
  • Condoms (latex or 聚氨酯) may protect you from exposure to m痘 在性生活中. Condoms are available for free—no questions asked—at H&W.
    • Keep in mind condoms alone may 不 prevent all exposures to m痘 since the rash can occur on other parts of the body.
  • 牙垫(用于口腔和生殖器之间的乳胶或聚氨酯片)可以帮助减少口交时传播的风险. Dental dams are available for free—no questions asked—at H&W.
  • 手套(乳胶, 聚氨酯, 如果将手指或手插入体内,也可以减少接触的可能性. 手套必须覆盖所有暴露在外的皮肤,摘下时要小心,以免接触到外表面.
  • Avoid 接吻 or exchanging spit since m痘 可以这样传播.
  • 在一定距离内一起手淫,不要接触对方,也不要接触任何皮疹.
  • Have virtual sex with no in-person contact.
  • 考虑穿着衣服做爱(干背)或覆盖出现皮疹的部位, reducing as much skin-to-skin contact as possible.
  • 请注意 m痘 近距离、面对面接触也能通过呼吸道分泌物传播吗.
  • 记得在做爱后清洗你的手、性玩具和任何织物(床上用品、毛巾、衣服). 了解更多 about infection control.

Is there a vaccine to prevent m痘?

是的. The JYNNEOS vaccine is the only FDA-approved vaccine to prevent m痘 和 is given as a 2-dose series. The second dose is given 28 days after the first dose. 人们在第二次注射后大约14天开始有最大的保护作用. 接种疫苗者仍应采取预防措施以避免感染,因为疫苗不能提供100%的保护(见上文澳门葡京网赌游戏预防的建议) m痘). 即使接种了疫苗,人们也应避免与接种疫苗的人密切接触或身体接触 m痘.


Are there any treatments available for m痘?

There are currently no treatments specifically for m痘 病毒感染. 然而, m痘 和 small痘 viruses are genetically similar, 这意味着为预防天花而开发的抗病毒药物和疫苗可以用于预防和治疗天花 m痘 病毒感染.

抗病毒药物, such as tecovirimat (TPOXX), 可能会推荐给那些更容易患重病的人吗, like patients with weakened immune systems.